July 10, 2008

Chris & Megan: Married

This past weekend, Jamie and I got to share in Chris and Megan's beautiful and perfect wedding.  It was at Panola Gardens up in Lindstrom MN, and it was just gorgeous.  We had such a great time, thanks for letting us be part of your special day!! (your paparazzi)  I can't wait for you to see the rest!!

Megan was such a rock star!! I love it when brides are willing to do different things risking getting their dress a little dirty. We saw this tractor and just had to get a shot by it. This shot is priceless. 

love this shot of the three generations. such fun emotion!!

her dress was beautiful!! she got ready in this old room with lace curtains and antique knick knacks all over. There was old wedding pictures on the walls and even an old wedding dress in the corner. It was so neat!!

                                         This is definitely one of my favorites of the two of them!

This is a shot of Megan and her mom walking her "down the aisle"  It was perfect!!

 the flowers for the day were probably some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. If any of you brides out there need a florist, this lady is awesome! 

July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

Hope everyone has a great and safe 4th of July. Take some time to appreciate and be thankful for all the freedoms that we have in this great country, and say an extra prayer for all our troops over seas!
My mom took this picture of my dad and tavin raising the flag last time we were at the farm. I thought it was just precious! My dad said that he likes to do that with his grandkids because when he was in country school that was one of his duties everyday, and now kids don't have to do that anymore. How simple life was back then :) Love it!!