October 29, 2008

Gindt Family: Rockin' it!

So last week I photographed one of the most fun families!!  They totally rocked it, and I fell in love with them and this session. I love it when families are willing to try new things and be creative along with me, it makes my job so much more fun. Shawn has been such a sweetheart to me through this whole process and I think I have made a new friend in her :) She cracks me up and I can tell that her and her hubby are doing an awesome job raising the three boys.  Thanks again Shawn, you and your family ROCK!!

such handsome boys!!
love this one!!

just picking on little brother having a blast!!

One of my favorites from the session, just because it isn't a "normal" family portrait

are they totally working it here or what??


Anonymous said...

We LOVE IT! I had so much fun. thank you... Daniel

Anonymous said...

Thanks Amy!! They turned out great and you are a ROCKSTAR woman!!

morelandmn said...

Love all the different colors in these pics. You have a way of making each picture have its own mood. Crazy good pics.. Keep up on your blog, we love to see your new stuff. :)