September 11, 2008

Growing up way too fast

Today was Tavin's first day of school, and I think it turned out really well. He was all fired up to go with his brand new spider man backpack. I was a little worried about his listening abilities, but the teacher told me that he was a very good listener. I then asked him how his day was and the first thing he said was "i didn't listen", probably because I told him that he needed to be a good listener and he wanted to see my reaction. I also asked him if he made any friends and he told me their names were caroline, jackson and benjamin. How cute, I love it!! It seems like just yesterday I was watching him take his first steps, now he is little big boy :) I can't wait to see how much he changes over the years, it is so much fun!


J.Stoia Portrait Design said...

Look at that sheer excitement on his face. So dang cute!

Anonymous said...

what a little stud wow! fun fun Carl.

morelandmn said...

miss you buddy. hope your 1st day of school was the best.